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Image by Margot Noyelle
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Stacy’s beautifully told story is sure to uplift and inspire you. Breastless might even challenge you to ask the same age-old questions she asked—Who am I? What do I want from my life?


Breastless is a memoir made up of stories, reflections, and quotes. In this book, Stacy shares her breast cancer story as honestly (and brutally) as she can in the hope that her readers will nod along and say ‘me too’, ‘I understand’, ‘that’s how I felt.’ While she describes the physical aspects of her treatment, her primary emphasis is about what was happening inside her head. What were her thoughts and emotions as she travelled that dark road?


Breastless published by Ocean Reeve Publishing Pty Ltd. (2020)  



Whether you have been given a cancer diagnosis, are supporting someone who has or have found your way here for some other reason, I welcome you.    


When I found out I had breast cancer, my whole world changed. Outwardly, I appeared to be much the same person as before, but inwardly, the shock of my diagnosis and subsequent treatment completely derailed me. I was no longer the sane professional who went to work each day, loved my job and tried hard 

to please the people around me. As my identity crumbled, I had to look for new answers to all the old questions—Who am I? What do I want from my life? —and then begin to rebuild anew.  


I decided to write this memoir after presenting at a Breast Cancer conference in October 2017.  My presentation was titled ‘We lose ourselves in books, we find ourselves there too’, and the response to my words was remarkable. All around, people were nodding and smiling and sometimes laughing. They were connecting with me. They were sharing in my experiences. Every person who listened to my talk that day had their own unique story that was most likely very different from my own, yet we had this common understanding that was very powerful. It was comforting to know we weren’t alone in our struggles. That someone else understood. 


As the title of my conference talk suggests, I lost myself in the experience of cancer and found myself there too. I learned how to live well in spite of my difficult circumstances and I learned how to have a lovely, sustaining relationship with the most important person in my life. Me.


This is not a how to book. It is not my wish to instruct anyone on what to do if they find themselves in a similar situation. Their experience will be different from mine and they’ll need to find their own way. I have, however, described some of the things that I found helpful and I’ve included a book list at the end that includes titles and authors of the books I mention.    

This book is beautiful. It’s raw, it’s honest, but most of all – it’s inspiring. Stacy shares the truth behind her journey and I feel incredibly humbled that she found comfort in my words as much as I have now found comfort in hers. This book connects us all. It’s not only for those that have been through breast cancer, but for anyone that just needs a reminder that they are braver than they think… and Stacy shows us exactly that. A truly amazing read.
Sally Obermeder

Breastless Excerpt 

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Breastless Launch

Image by Aida Batres



At two, I thought I was going down in water

At five, I pushed a boy off a slippery slide

At six, I was forced to eat fish paste sandwiches 

At seven, I refused to apologise


At eight, I got hair bobbles

At ten, I guessed the number of jelly beans in the jar

At eleven, my father showed me the meaning of friendship

At twelve, I rode a wild brumby


At thirteen, I learned how to inhale smoke without coughing

At fourteen, I hung out with the cool group

At fifteen, I called a nun a fucking bitch

At eighteen, I got worried about having a flat chest and big feet


At twenty-five, a young man embarrassed me in a shoe shop

At twenty-seven, I was given a patchwork quilt

At twenty-eight, I got cracked nipples

At thirty, I took a self-defense class


At thirty-eight, a teenage girl told me she’d been raped by her father 

At forty-five, I noticed that my sister’s voice was changing

At forty-six, I took my sister to a faith healer

At forty-seven, I chose to have a big life


At forty-nine, I cried for my sister

At fifty-four, I walked the Larapinta Trail

Went to "Cuspers" for the first time

And found a thickening in my left breast…


This is my story.

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